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About Me

I was born and raised in southeast Michigan by two incredibly hard-working parents who immigrated from Paraguay over 50 years ago, and three brilliant older brothers, who have all gone on to have beautiful families of their own.


After graduating from Duke, I started working full-time in marketing and business development. 20 years later, I still work full-time, and am raising three extraordinary (and energetic!) little girls with my wonderful husband.  Trying to keep it all manageable became a passion, resulting in countless nights crawling the internet for creative tips and tricks to help us get through the first few years of parenting.


My husband encouraged me to share some of the things I've learned along the way with other parents (and non-parents, too!) in an effort to help others juggle their very busy work-family-fun schedules.  'MomLikeaPro' documents many of the topics I have researched for myself, but also others that friends and family have asked me to find creative solutions their unique challenges.  


Full disclosure: I am not an original thinker or inventor, just someone who likes to sift through thousands of other people's suggestions and experience to find the unique combination of things that work for me.


I hope you enjoy my insights, or that they inspire you to find solutions that work for you.  And if there's something you want me to research for you, feel free to email me and I'll see if I can help!


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