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  • Writer's pictureJessica Gamarra

Dulce de Leche Ice Cream Cheesecake

A few years ago I found a recipe for a Dulce de Leche Ice Cream Cheesecake that sounded amazing. It was in Portuguese, but with a little effort, I was able to translate it. The harder part was finding the right ingredients Stateside, so I had to make a few substitutions that worked out in my favor.

With a little practice (and a lot of helpful volunteers), I've adapted and perfected this dessert, which makes for a unique and delightful way to end a meal. You can serve it as a whole cake in a springform pan, or create a series of cups for individual portions or even mini tasting cups for a sharing/buffet style serving. Any way you do it, it's fabulous! Enjoy!

Note: You can usually find dulce de leche in the international or baking aisles of a grocery store. It's also often found near the sweetened condensed milk. Make sure you don't buy the bottled syrup - it has to be actual dulce de leche in a can or jar. And, if you can't find dulce de leche, see the directions below the recipe for an easy way to make some.

Dulce de Leche Ice Cream Cheesecake


  1. 1/2 cup dulce de leche

  2. 1 liter of vanilla ice cream

  3. 1 bar of cream cheese (8oz)

  4. 1/2 cup sugar

  5. 1 tsp lemon juice

  6. One box of Leibniz butter cookies (200g) or similar

  7. 8 tbsp. of butter melted, but not hot


  1. In a food processor, blend the cookies to a fine grain. Transfer to a mixing bowl. No need to clean food processor.

  2. Mix cookies with melted butter until fully mixed.

  3. If you are using a spring form pan, spread the mixture out evenly across the bottom and flatten lightly with a spoon or the bottom of a measuring cup. Do not press too hard. (If using individual cups, do the same, but evenly across all bowls/cups).

  4. Put crust in freezer while you make filling.

  5. In the same food processor, mix the dulce de leche, sugar, lemon juice and cream cheese until fully blended.

  6. Slowly add ice cream (in 3-4 batches) and blend all evenly. The ice cream may begin to melt - this is ok.

  7. Remove crust from freezer.

  8. Pour ice cream/cream cheese batter into pan (or cups/bowls) and wiggle gently to lay flat.

  9. Transfer to freezer for a minimum of 3 hours.

  10. Remove from freezer 5 minutes before enjoying.

Optional: You can add a dollop of chilled (not frozen) dulce de leche using a cake/frosting decorating tool on each cup/bowl, or in the center of the main pie before serving. Or add a fruit garnish (but I prefer to serve it plain!).

How to make dulce de leche - the quick and easy way (because the long and hard way stinks!)

  1. Buy a can of sweetened condensed milk. Remove the label.

  2. Fill a pot with as much water as needed to fully cover the can laying on its side in the pot.

  3. Place the can on its side in the pot, and bring the water to a boil.

  4. Lower to a simmer, and cover.

  5. Every 30 minutes, using tongs, turn the can over so it cooks evenly on all sides.

  6. Important: make sure the can remains fully submerged in water. If required, add more boiling water to cover the can.

  7. Boil for 2-3 hours, depending on the how light or dark you want it. The longer, the darker.

  8. Remove pot from stovetop. Using tongs, remove the can from the water and place aside.

  9. DO NOT OPEN THE CAN WHILE IT IS HOT. Wait for it to cool before opening.

  10. Once cooled, open and enjoy (in cakes, on bread, cookies, or in a big spoonful!)

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