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  • Writer's pictureJessica Gamarra

Host like a Pro

My darling cousin calls me up and says, with desperation: "My in-laws are coming! My house is a mess! What do I do?"

We've all been there. In-laws, our significant other's boss or colleagues, our own family visiting from out of town - they come to visit and you want to make the house really welcoming and warm (and hide the fact that your style is more legos and dolls than Pottery Barn!).

So I took a minute and thought about, what are the basics for hosting successfully in your working/living/breathing household. And a few nice-to-haves, too (marked with an *).

Here's my basic survival list:


  • Vacuum

  • Clean glass (mirrors, windows)

  • Clean bathroom

  • Wash and store all dishes (make sure you have enough plates and flatware!)

  • Clean kitchen

  • Clean-up pantry/kitchen cabinets as much as possible

  • Organize (or hide) toys, and store bigger toys behind bookcases, under beds, in closets when not in use to make room.

  • Straighten up curtains and blinds

  • Straighten all frames/paintings

  • Dust all surfaces and paintings*

  • Complete all your personal laundry in advance*

Tidy and Reorganize:

  • Organize closets / consolidate drawers to make space for guest bags and clothes. If you have empty suitcases, fill them with your clothes you’re not using (sweaters/coats) from drawer/closet to make space for guests.

  • Clean off counter tops as much as possible (less clutter = makes your home look bigger and brighter)

  • Remove jackets and shoes from front coat rack you are not using to make space for guests (if applicable)

  • Store large unused items in your garage, or under bed (like strollers, car seats, etc.)

Beds and Bath:

  • Set all your guest beds with clean sheets, including quilts/covers and pillows.

  • If you are using inflatable beds, leave these deflated until after your guests arrive, especially if they are in an area where people will gather. Keep the sheets and towels nearby for easy setup.

  • Provide phone chargers, or at least easy access to outlets.*

  • Place fresh towels on beds.

  • Declutter sink counter top, if possible.

  • Stock fresh soap in each bathroom.

  • Stock shampoo / conditioner

  • If sharing your bathroom, or your children's bathroom, keep your towels in the bedrooms to make extra space in bathroom.

  • Have extra toothpaste, floss, lotion, razor, band-aid, Tums/Anti-acid, Tylenol/Motrin available.*

Food and Drink (basic stock for breakfast and snacks):

  • Milk

  • Juice

  • Wine/Beer

  • Coffee

  • Soda (optional)

  • Bread

  • Butter

  • Jam/Jelly (optional)

  • Cold cuts and cheeses

  • Fruit

  • Cookies / Crackers / Chips

  • Muffins/Bagels

  • Have Grub Hub/Door Dash app installed, and ready to bring food!*

Finishing Touches:

  • Set your dining room table with a nice tablecloth.*

  • Put scented candle in kitchen.*

  • Buy fresh flowers for kitchen.*

This is a pretty basic list to keep you organized and recognize things you can do and have on hand to successfully host guests for a few days. But don't stress it... sometimes life makes it impossible for us to be Martha Stewart. So just do you.

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