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  • Writer's pictureJessica Gamarra

I Need More Milk! Help!

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

As if being a mom isn't stressful enough, what happens if you aren't pumping enough milk to feed your baby, or leave behind for a caregiver while you're out or at work?


The good news is, there are wonderful tips on increasing milk supply below. And if these don't work for you, modern science has come up with this amazing stuff called "Formula" :-)

There is no shame in mixing in or switching to formula - millions of babies drink formula and are super healthy and happy.

Just remember: NEVER mix water with breastmilk – you can cause serious kidney damage. Babies should not drink any water before 6 months of age. Babies should not consume cow milk before 1 year of age.

Here are some tips you can try to increase your supply:

  • Probably THE most important thing to remember is to pump often and pump long enough to soften or “empty” the breast.

  • Do NOT consistently wait until your breast is “full” or hard. This is actually counter-productive.

  • Drink plenty of water. This helps you lose weight and keep up a good supply. Especially at night-time.

  • Make sure you eat! While you are pumping, you will knock the weight off! Pumping makes you super hungry, because you need the extra calories: you burn approximately 20 calories per 1oz / 30mL! When I didn’t eat enough, I would get really light-headed and my supply would drop big time.

  • Eat carbohydrates! Pasta, bread… these foods are your friends (and the occasional cake, doughnut or cookie… you deserve it. Tim Horton's Old Fashioned Tim Bits were my secret sauce!)

  • Some people like to eat REAL oatmeal, not the instant kind. If you don't like oatmeal straight up, you can also make cookies that have oatmeal in them (I prefer this way! Ha!). I don't know why it works, but it does.

  • Get some rest. Yeah, I know easier said than done! But, if you are exhausted and have the opportunity to take a nap (even if it pushes your pump back), do it! You will actually make more milk that way! And even if you can't sleep, try resting by sitting down a lot. Conserving energy is important.

  • Again, don’t stress too much. Stress affects supply. Playing with your baby, watching a tv show, etc. – doing anything positive will lift your spirits up and improve your supply.

  • Some suggest drinking dark beer, with or without alcohol. You can have 1 or 2 beers without much crossing into your milk - just try to finish drinking about an hour before you pump. If you're worried about the alcohol content in your milk, you can buy these strips called MilkSpring. I never did, but there's a good mommy article about alcohol testing here. (Note: Most breastfeeding experts do not routinely recommend using alcohol to boost milk supply.)

  • There is a tea called Mothers Milk Tea and it is supposed to increase your supply. I have never tried it, so I can't speak to its efficacy.

Lastly, here are some things you should DEFINITELY AVOID if you want to make more milk:

  • Peppermint (or any mint)

  • Sudafed or similar medication (pseudoephedrine HCl)

  • Sage

  • Excessive caffeine

These three things will save the day when it comes to shutting off your supply when it comes to weaning time.


If you get your period back while nursing/pumping, it can decrease your supply. This can be fixed by taking a calcium/magnesium supplement. Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.

Regular birth control pills can impact milk supply, and some women even see a decrease while on the mini pill. Breastfeeding actually suppresses ovulation and allows you to make milk, but it's not 100% effective at birth control, so be careful!

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