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  • Writer's pictureJessica Gamarra

Pumping 101: Which App to Use

Picking the right app to help you keep tabs on your pumping and feeding stats (how much produced, how much consumed)

Like most modern women, I use my phone for lots of important stuff. I'm no technophile, but I do appreciate a good app to help keep me organized.

When I first started pumping, I was just winging it - using my phone timer to remind me when to pump and for how long, and jotting down notes on a note pad. On almost no sleep, I kept forgetting to reset my timers, or note how much I had produced. After a few days, I figured there had to be an easier way to stay organized.

I searched the app store and tried a couple different programs from among the hundreds of available apps for new moms.

(To be fair, it's been a while so some others may have improved or been added since then.)

The app I found to be the best for me was "Baby Connect" by Seacloud Software LLC. This very comprehensive program helped me track my milk production and reminder timers, and also helpfully linked in baby feeding, diaper changes, sleep schedules, medical visits, growth charts, milestones, and other helpful information. The app can synchronize with other caregivers, and helpfully backs up your data in case your phone is ever lost. It's also Apple Watch friendly.

This faithful little app ran 24/7 on my phone for years, and all my precious data is forever stored away for future reference. In fact, the historical charts from baby #1 helped me plan out my pumping schedule for baby #2. And when I had complications that caused me to stop pumping earlier than planned for baby #2, the compiled data helped me calculate just how long my stores would last so I could ease in supplemental formula at the right rate.

Even though I stopped pumping long ago, I still use Baby Connect today for medical visits, growth charts, and other milestones.

Like in all things, try different apps and see what works for you. I will say that Baby Connect was a great addition to my life and kept me organized and on track during the 18 combined months that I pumped. But definitely, find something to keep you organized when you pump, whether digital or analog, that works for you. Those first few months are brutal, and any little thing will help.

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